LUSU VISUAL CONTENT In late 2022, two super-talented artists named Mike Cervello and Wiwek decided to join their forces, ideas and talent to raise a new project! This project is called LUSU, logo is a Mushroom and got a specific futuristic vibe but in an...
Zyper’s Adventures #08 – Lighting with MPC and Kontrol S8
Zyper’s Adventures #08 – Lighting with MPC and Kontrol S8
Zyper amazed us with his latest “Zyper’s Adventure” video. You can see him controlling his old Queen Club setup (he actually stopped his residency there) with a Dj controller and his midi fighter. Show is pretty perfect as every time and he play it so naturally that it feel like everything just moves automatically.
Anyway, this is a great inspiration about how you can play a visual show and be a real part of it.
If you want to see more of his light you also should see this one :
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